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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Too Slow

I don't know how to start but let's cut it short. While busy working on compiling materials for my assignment which will due on 4/9/2012, I managed to update my status on twitter. Or you can say that I'm "mengadu nasib" just to relieve stress.

Too many things to do and was hoping not to stay for long in the office. I only realize when my office mates did respond to the tweet after awhile but I am kind of didn't get/hardly understand what they are talking about.  I left the conversation and went for dinner with my 3 other office mates. Thinking that I need some fresh air so that I can digest what they are "talking" about later. 

After few hours, I login my twitter and  re-read the conversation. Then, I realize something. I really don't understand what the conversation is all about. It looks so DARN confusing. 
Finally, after reading it over and over again... then only I understand. They are talking about getting MARRIED la!!!

Oh, my... Am I too slow? or perhaps I don't speak their language. Haih.

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